Sunday, February 1, 2009

CETP culture shock bingo (finally)

This is a short list complied of all the strange little moments, which have become quite ordinary parts of our lives. Collected over multiple weekends, with multiple CETP-ers, this list represents things that originally surprised/shocked/delighted us about Hungary. 

  1. Place the following items into a grid.
  2. When you have completed an item, fill in the grid square.
  3. When you have completely filled out the grid, congratulations you have acclimatized to CETP culture shock.

Here is the list, if you have any suggestions/additions to the list, please feel free to comment below.
  1. Drink a Boroscola
  2. See a student drink
  3. Get scolded for sitting on something cold
  4. See a faux-hawk mullet
  5. If single, have a Hungarian neni or bacsi try to set you up
  6. See a castle outside Budapest
  7. Get lost on Public transport
  8. Sleep in a flat with more people than sleeping space
  9. Eat fornetti/princess/polgacsa
  10. Catch yourself using the stupid American excuse
  11. Feel morally obligated to bring sandwiches on public transport
  12. Visit a town/village that has vowel sounds that do not appear in English
  13. Have a conversation in Hungarian
  14. Pretend you do not speak English
  15. Buy mustard/mayonnaise in toothpaste tubes
  16. Palinka
  17. Shamelessly make out on Public Transport
  18. See a free-range chicken
  19. See a shirt/jewelry with pre-trianon Hungary on it
  20. Have someone thank you for being here
  21. Get lost on Public transport
  22. Be greeted with Csokolom
  23. Watch someone consume more than 6 sandwiches a day
  24. Buy clothing with incorrect English on it
  25. Be mistaken for a Hungarian by a Hungarian
  26. Be smiled at in the street by a Hungarian stranger
  27. Be quizzed about your love life by your students
  28. Be called Neni or Bacsi
  29. Get recognized on public transport...extra points if it is by the driver/Kontroll
  30. Be delayed by livestock
  31. Gyula
  32. Light your oven without burning yourselves
  33. Be mistaken for a a Student
  34. Eat Pizza with peas/corn/sour cream
  35. Buy wine for less than 100 ft


jeremy said...

egeszegedre to that shit!

Alisa said...

Well, I suppose I can't play by the rules because I'm not there or in the program. However, in the US I would be able to check off 13 (2, 4, 7, 8, 14, 18, 21, 23, 24, 27, 29, 30, 33). 1/2 points?

Emily said...

I'm on board with most of these, just...

5. not only if you're single

11. I dont know about moral obligation, it's just practical

29. Don't get it, recognized as what? A foreigner?

30. not everyone lives in the sticks like you! My daily travels are more likely to be obstructed by traffic than cattle

31. seems to apply more to you and Vivvi and exclude, say, everyone else in the world

35. Clarification... do you mean by dl or by bottle? Because if you're talking about bottles, then all bets are off and you win this game a hundred times over, you hero you!

sara said...


-use a poop shelf.
-buy eggs individually, off a warm shelf next to the bread, and carry them home in a plastic baggy.
-have a room full of people shout "jo et vagyok!" when you take out even a single cracker to eat.
-travel 5+ hours each way to spend one weekend on the floor of another CETPer small flat.
-try to walk to Romania.