Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Eger Weekend, taking tea, and one angry English teacher

The No has been lazy about posting. Stuff happens but motivation to post has been gone, along with one of 11b's paper airplanes out of the window.
This weekend, a small CETP brigade came to conquer Eger. On Friday the No got to fuss and make mystery meat into something delicious. She thinks it was pork...but when meat selection consists of going to the butcher with crossed fingers...well it was delicious and probably not
Saturday they drank coffee and learnt to play poker, explored, ate Palikinta larger than their stomachs, went down to the Szepasszonyvolge and up the Minaret.

The Minaret, left from the Turkish times represents two of the No's greatest fears. Heights and spiral stairs. As anyone who has travelled with the No knows, it is not uncommon for her to have a panic attack ten steps up. But at about 11am on Saturday morning the No thought to give it a shot. Armed with 200fts and some very supportive friends she made it up. The claustrophobic stairs were worn, and there was no railing  but Lauren and Lyla talked her up. 

Note the look of both Joy for reaching the top (a goal she set at orientation), and blind panic. 
Also look at the relief of being back on the ground!

Forralt bor, pizzas and additions to the drama wall later, the No's guests scattered and she was left alone in her flat. Picking up her pile of mending, she was working her way through it when the doorbell rang. It was Maria, her upstairs neighbour. Maria motioned for the No to lock her door and follow. Upstairs the little old Nenyi thrust first tea and cakes on a tray, then the No on her couch/bed. The No sat there, curious as to what was going on. Then Maria turned on the music. In rapid fire Hungarian, she explained it was the Csango (a group of Hungarians, who live in Transylvania and speak an OLD dialect of Hungarian) Himnusz (anthem?). Then they listened to a hard rock version of the Sekley Himnusz, then some romantic tenors. As the No wondered how she would make her escape, Maria suddenly stopped the music and pulled out a jacket. She fitted it to the No and then zipped it shut (this was the second jacket the No had received from a little old lady in her flat complex this week...) and with that tea was over.

This week in teaching:

Using Character cards is a good way to challenge the students to get away from the same four lines in their dialogues.

11b: One of the Students surreptitiously took photos of his teacher throughout the lesson. The No saw the cell phone and saw the photos. Going to delete it, she found the other 10. He was assigned to write "I will not use Attila's cell phone to take photos of my English teacher, because it is creepy and wrong" one hundred times before 2pm. 

12d: Have taken to calling the No tanar Nenyi. She has decided that while it is cute from a seventh grader, it is not cute from a 12th grader.

7a: We are going to create our own comics. Joe has become Super-Joe and his archenemies is Luggage-head, who is evil because he has a headache. These were the examples I put on the board for the students. I look forward to their creations.

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